Life gets Hard

The tall boy from Nebraska grew into a tall man who worked hard to do what is right for his family.  He spent months out to sea, hating it and missing them, but providing for them as a good husband and father should.  Going home should have been what he lived for, and at first it was. Later though, he became an outsider to his own family.  His ideas differed on how to raise the kids and since he was not there, he lost control over how his own sons were being raised.  

This created problems when he was home. He lost respect for his wife and she didn’t want him around anymore. She was fine without him and when he showed up, they fought.  Over time, his marriage died.   Its not like he lost the love of his life, he says he is not in love with her and wouldn’t make love to her given the chance, but the death of the marriage itself killed him inside and he has not recovered.

Follow this epic tale of finding love over 50, based on a true story. The story is ongoing so the end is TBD. Follow, comment, and provide support to the main character as she finds herself in love all over again in her 50s, this time with her boss. Updates will be posted every Friday at 5:00.

Next week: Life gets Exhausting. 

A Girl from Virginia

Once upon the exact same time as the boy from Nebraska, the exact same long time ago, there was a hippy girl from Virginia. She too had dreams of seeing the world.  Her dreams took her to college where she completed a degree in photography, seeking a career that would take her to far away places.  Her dreams came true when she landed a much sought after position as a photographer for the organization she loved.  There she traveled the world, learned to scuba dive and also worked underwater, fell in love, married, had one daughter, and all was as it was supposed to be, a dream come true, except it wasn’t.

Follow this epic tale of finding love over 50, based on a true story. The story is ongoing so the end is TBD. Follow, comment, and provide support to the main character as she finds herself in love all over again in her 50s, this time with her boss. Updates will be posted every Friday at 5:00.

Next week: Life Gets Hard

A Boy from Nebraska 

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a tall boy from Nebraska who had big dreams of seeing the world.  With a solid foundation of love from his family and trust in doing what is right, he set out to make his way in life.  His adventures led him through college, where he played a lot of sports.  He chose a solid major that would allow him to have a interesting career.  Landing himself a much sought after position at an organization he loved, his dreams came true. He traveled the world, learned to scuba dive and worked underwater, fell in love, married, had two boys and all was as it should be, except it wasn’t.

Follow this epic tale of finding love over 50, based on a true story. The story is ongoing so the end is TBD. Follow, comment, and provide support to the main character as she finds herself in love all over again in her 50s, this time with her boss. Updates will be posted every Friday at 5:00. 

Next week: A Girl From Virginia